How do you get your drone business out of RTL Mode?

This is a 3D image created by Aero AI’s technology called SiEGA. We’ve launched an article series with UAV Commercial News called:  “Is your drone business in RTL Mode?” We’re interviewing top commercial Drone Operator businesses to learn about the challenges that they’ve had—and how they overcame those challenges—in order to give you actionable insights on how…

Is your drone business in RTL Mode?

SounderBruce, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons We’ve launched an article series with UAV Commercial News called:  “Is your drone business in RTL Mode?” We’re interviewing top commercial Drone Operator businesses to learn about the challenges that they’ve had—and how they overcame those challenges—in order to give you actionable insights on how to take your drone business…

How does the Ford Model T predict the future of drones?

Industries have very predictable life cycles.  It starts with the “Pioneer Stage”: Dozens (if not hundreds) of manufacturers all try and promote different designs of a new product category.   Then the “Adoption Stage”: The market starts selecting the dominant designs and features and there is a refinement of those designs and features.  Next, the “Consolidation…

The Future of Data and Drones: How do you avoid vendor lock-in and move your data between vendors?

Article Series: The Future of Data and Drones: Lessons from the worlds of big data, enterprise software, and private equity. What will the world of drones and data look like in the next 10 years? This is a series of articles featured in UAV Commercial News exploring that question. We’ll look at how other industries…

The Future of Data and Drones: Do you own your own data about your drones and program? You’ll be surprised that you often don’t.

Article Series: The Future of Data and Drones: Lessons from the worlds of big data, enterprise software, and private equity. What will the world of drones and data look like in the next 10 years? This is a series of articles featured in UAV Commercial News exploring that question. We’ll look at how other industries…

The Future of Data and Drones: How do you get the data you need to support the key metric, Cost-Per-(Flight)-Minute?

Article Series: The Future of Data and Drones: Lessons from the worlds of big data, enterprise software, and private equity. What will the world of drones and data look like in the next 10 years? This is a series of articles featured in UAV Commercial News exploring that question. We’ll look at how other industries…

Why every drone operator should be a finance freak and love Asset Utilization (aka Cost-per-Flight-Minute)

We’ve talked before about how Southwest Airlines keeps its planes in the air (and how this makes money for Southwest).   The lesson for us is: the longer you keep the drone in the air, the more money you make.  Today we are building on that lesson with a little something for those finance freaks…

The Future of Data and Drones: AI and Big Data are useless unless you have the Key Metric for your drone program or drone business

Article Series: The Future of Data and Drones: Lessons from the worlds of big data, enterprise software, and private equity. What will the world of drones and data look like in the next 10 years? This is a series of articles featured in UAV Commercial News exploring that question. We’ll look at how other industries…