What the Fall of the Roman Republic, the Cost of Death, and Drone Operators have in common

We know that this has been a burning topic for you so we’ll dig right into it.   Let’s first do a quick history geek out. We’re talking about the last 50-ish years of the Roman Republic: 88 BC to 31 BC. A near constant state of civil war. And civil war, as the Romans found…

Drone carrying a toilet

Toilets and Drones: What Toilets Can Teach Us About Drone Prices

We’ve talked about toilet designs and drones before in an earlier article (which was the beginning of what is now a very exciting “Toilets and Drones” series) entitled, “Why toilet design and your current drone’s design are the same”   And our basic premise in that earlier article was two-fold:  #1. Just like Toilet design, drone…

Cost-Per-(Flight)-Minute and the Battle Against the Idiot Factor

In our last article we talked about how Elon Musk uses “First Principles Thinking” (FPT) and about the “Idiot Factor,” Elon’s super-sensitive way of describing lazy engineering and, as examples, the massive impact of the Idiot Factor on the cost of rockets and batteries. How does the Idiot Factor apply to drones? Well, the materials…

What Moneyball (both the book and movie) means for drones (and Cost-Per-(Flight)-Minute)

Moneyball. It’s a movie about statistics. And baseball. And neither of these is a recipe for a thriller or action-packed adventure. And truth be told:  Moneyball isn’t. But it is improbably one of the more interesting films of the 21st century.    Based on a 2003 book written by Michael Lewis, the movie recounts the true…

How do you get your drone business out of RTL Mode?

This is a 3D image created by Aero AI’s technology called SiEGA. We’ve launched an article series with UAV Commercial News called:  “Is your drone business in RTL Mode?” We’re interviewing top commercial Drone Operator businesses to learn about the challenges that they’ve had—and how they overcame those challenges—in order to give you actionable insights on how…

Is your drone business in RTL Mode?

SounderBruce, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons We’ve launched an article series with UAV Commercial News called:  “Is your drone business in RTL Mode?” We’re interviewing top commercial Drone Operator businesses to learn about the challenges that they’ve had—and how they overcame those challenges—in order to give you actionable insights on how to take your drone business…

How does the Ford Model T predict the future of drones?

Industries have very predictable life cycles.  It starts with the “Pioneer Stage”: Dozens (if not hundreds) of manufacturers all try and promote different designs of a new product category.   Then the “Adoption Stage”: The market starts selecting the dominant designs and features and there is a refinement of those designs and features.  Next, the “Consolidation…

The Future of Data and Drones: How do you avoid vendor lock-in and move your data between vendors?

Article Series: The Future of Data and Drones: Lessons from the worlds of big data, enterprise software, and private equity. What will the world of drones and data look like in the next 10 years? This is a series of articles featured in UAV Commercial News exploring that question. We’ll look at how other industries…