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More Payload*

The efficient and powerful thrust of the Modovolo Lift means bigger payloads and long flight times.

2x Flight Time*

Because of a powerful combination of its incredible lightness and its modular design. the Modovolo Lift has flight time orders of magnitude longer than anything else.

50% Less $*

The low price of the Modovolo Lift is the result of the elegant simplicity of its bicycle wheel design and of avoiding exotic materials like carbon fiber. 

*The Quad-configuration Modovolo Lift costs 50% less than a DJI Matrice 300 but has more payload capacity and at least twice the flight time.

See How Long the Prototype Flies

Modular and Limitlessly Configurable

The Modovolo Lift is a modular, limitlessly configurable drone platform. Link more Lift Pods to lift more payload and to maximize flight time.

Configuration Examples


Large single payload area with 26.5″ diameter and height of up to 18”.


Multiple payload areas with
multi-hour flight time.

Modovolo OCTO Config


Single payload area with
multi-hour flight-time.

Modovolo Quad Config


The Utility Pod

Utility Pods can be used to carry anything. Cameras, sensors, seeds, pesticides, more batteries for even longer flight times. The possibilities are endless.

Hex Utility Pod
Quad Utility Pod

The 3-Step Pre-Order Plan

Pre-Order your Lift with a Refundable Deposit

The  first 200 pre-orders have guaranteed production priority.

Exclusive Access

The first 200 pre-orders get exclusive access to see, give feedback, and participate in the development and production process.

Modovolo T-Shirt

The first 200 receive limited-run Modovolo t-shirts.

Pre-Order Your Modovolo Lift Now

4 Lift Pods for Quad | 1 Utility Pod | Total Cost: $6k (shipping not included)
Assembly Required
DUE TODAY: $50 (fully refundable) See the fine print here

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