We’ve talked about toilet designs and drones before in an earlier article (which was the beginning of what is now a very exciting “Toilets and Drones” series) entitled, “Why toilet design and your current drone’s design are the same”
And our basic premise in that earlier article was two-fold:
#1. Just like Toilet design, drone design hasn’t changed. Toilets are pretty much the same design as the last 200 years and for drones, it’s the same fixed center and fixed arm design as the last 20 years.
#2. Toilets don’t change as your needs change. The toilet you use in the morning is the same toilet you use in the afternoon and the same toilet you use in the evening. But what if your toilet can’t or won’t take any of your shit? What if you need more capacity in the morning than you need in the evening? Well, you’re in a pretty shitty situation because you are stuck with that toilet’s capacity. And it’s the same for drones. If you need more capacity (i.e., to lift more shit) than your current drone can handle, then you are forced to buy another drone. Or you just don’t take another shit.
Admittedly, that was a pretty shitty article and there have already been a lot of shitty puns in this article.
But that doesn’t stop us from piling on more, because there’s another commonality between toilets and current drones.
The cost of toilets has skyrocketed.
Over the past 20 years, basic toilets have gone from a price range of $100–$150, but now a toilet can cost $500 or more, depending on features such as design and brand.
What about drones? The cost has also skyrocketed. Case in point. Inspired Flight’s Astro Prime Essentials Kit, which has a payload capacity of 3.3 lbs with only about 38 minutes of flight time (with no payload), costs over $32,000. And that’s not even the NDAA-compliant version.
I mean, you could get a brand-new Tesla Model 3 for that kind of money.
We could at this point in the article make a shameless pitch to pre-order a Modovolo Lift with Quad Configuration. At just $6,000, it’s ¼ the cost of the Astro Prime plus it has 5lbs lift capacity and way, way, way more flight time. But that would be a shitty thing to do so we won’t.