There are three important conditions here for this blog post. First, we think any fart qualifies for this. Silent-but-deadly. Loud-and-proud. Rhythmic. Dry. Wet. You get the idea. Second, we are assuming that the non-farting person is a person who isn’t attracted to farting persons. That’s just gross. Third, we are also assuming that there is a 90% chance the non-farting person would ghost or flat-out refuse a second date with the farting person and that the farting person wanted the second date. Badly.
And even with those conditions we still think farting on the first date is a better idea than a drone battery charging room in your office.
Let’s clarify what we mean here though. We aren’t saying that drone battery charging rooms are stupid. Not at all. If you have a fleet of DJI Matrice 300 drones, for example, then having a drone battery charging room is a logical and rational decision. Why? Because drone battery charging rooms are a consequence of short flight times.
And with any payload whatsoever the Matrice 300 has at most 30 minutes of flight time so, if you want to have a full day of inspection, photography, etc., you better have many spare batteries ready. And in order to have many spare batteries ready, you better have a drone battery charging room charging all your spare batteries. Every night.
But wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t need all those spare batteries? If you didn’t need to lease a big office for all those batteries? If you didn’t need to have an employee checking all those chargers and batteries?
We think the answer is strongly in the affirmative.* And you’re probably saying to yourself: “sure, I’ll agree with that too, but besides some marginal fart jokes, this blog post isn’t very helpful.”
What if we said that there was a drone that could fly for hours and could carry as much payload as a DJI Matrice 300 – yet costs 50% less? Wouldn’t that be helpful?
And you’d probably respond: “Yes, that is helpful, but it’s just a shameless pitch for the Modovolo Lift which is now on pre-order at modovolo.com.”
And we’d reply back: “Yes, but there’s no shame in shamelessly pitching the Modovolo Lift.”