Should you buy a new iPhone each time you buy an app? DJI thinks you should.

Let’s go back to the dark ages of the computer. 1970s. This is when companies like Data General, Wang, and others ruled the world with “microcomputers” (which were anything but micro). Funny thing about computers back then was that if you wanted a new application you more likely than not needed to buy another computer.…

Toilets and Drones: Why toilet design and your current drone’s design are the same

Toilets are in many ways unsung heroes of the modern world. Yes, it’s true that antibiotics, vaccines, and other medical technology have saved millions of lives but, by separating sewage from your drinking water, the humble toilet has arguably saved many more – and even launched modern statistics and data visualization.  Quick history geek out.…

How did the Modovolo Lift come to be? A discussion with Erik, CTO of Modovolo, and another shameless pitch for the Modovolo Lift.

“I’m a commercial drone pilot myself and it was frustrating to me that flight time was so low for all the drones I was using. I wanted something that would give me at least an hour of flight with any payload. But your options are limited. If you want that kind of flight time performance,…

Why Farting On Your First Date Is A Better Idea Than That Drone Battery Charging Room In Your Office

There are three important conditions here for this blog post. First, we think any fart qualifies for this. Silent-but-deadly. Loud-and-proud.  Rhythmic. Dry. Wet. You get the idea.  Second, we are assuming that the non-farting person is a person who isn’t attracted to farting persons. That’s just gross. Third, we are also assuming that there is…

Why every drone operator should be a finance freak and love Asset Utilization (aka Cost-per-Flight-Minute)

We’ve talked before about how Southwest Airlines keeps its planes in the air (and how this makes money for Southwest).   The lesson for us is: the longer you keep the drone in the air, the more money you make.  Today we are building on that lesson with a little something for those finance freaks…